Thursday, March 6, 2008

Library Thing: Library 2.0 Activity #12

What a fun site! I first heard about this some years ago, and it has really grown. What better way to connect with like-minded people than through their reading interests (especially since other sites emphasize music, movies, games, pictures). The practice of copy-cataloging and union cataloging survives into the 21st century, in a style much simpler than MARC. I wondered years ago what benefit the Net was without general access to utilities like RLIN and OCLC. Before WorldCat, you took a step back by having to search each library's website individually. I've had a large library of books and recordings for years, with no easy access to it beyond my personal memory (which is getting faultier each year I get older). Now, with LibraryThing, I can actually inventory everything and perhaps interest people in my obscurata.

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