Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Working with Technorati Library 2.0 Activity #11

I read about Technorati and blogs years ago, but didn't know if I wanted to spend the time on it. Now, since I realize that I get to say whatever I want to here, as much as I want, I can do this for therapeutic purposes. Browsing through the website, I realized that the number of hits varies, depending whether one searches blog postings or just the tags. I looked up "biowarfare" and got the most hits when I typed it in as a general keyword search term (160). I got much fewer hits just under "blogs" and "tags" (about 32). When I looked under the tag "bioterrorism" under popular tags, I got different hits, but it was also a smaller number than with "biowarfare" the first time. I also realized that this site can be very addicting. No wonder people are abandoning the conventional news media, or that reporters are adding blog content to websites sponsored by news syndicates. The drawback of blogging, of course, is that facts can be easily misrepresented, since there is no editorial control. Andrew Keen has pointed out that journalists in the traditional media seemed to get sued all the time, and are even jailed, for what is said on the air or printed. Bloggers haven't quite achieved that level of notoriety yet.
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